Singles Day Deals

Singles Day is a holiday with origins in China that is celebrated every year on November 11. The day was created to celebrate that you are alone or alone.

This event has become a huge shopping holiday in China, becoming the largest day of offline and online shopping in the world.


Where can you buy most products at great prices?

The answer is from Alibaba and Aliexpress. These two stores dominate e-commerce, offering on this day dedicated to shopping the biggest discounts of the year.

The Internet has made this holiday extremely popular throughout China and Southeast Asia. In addition, the United Kingdom celebrates its own version of Singles Day on March 11.


What does Singles Day mean to people?

Singles Day as I mentioned above is the right opportunity to shop, but there are a lot of other things that characterize this day.


Singles Day is characterized by:

– Incredibly large purchases both online and offline;

– Parties for blind meetings;

– Concerts

– Special shows;

– Marriage applications

– Manifestation of the desire to find a partner and more.

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